Friday, November 27, 2009

U.S. Thanksgiving

So we're in Connecticut celebrating with family, and it's pretty cool...

Also checking out Peter Himmelman, an L.A. based musician who hosts a live to web show from his home studio every Tuesday. What a cool idea - self broadcasting through streaming video on the web. And I'm still trying to get some video clips on Youtube. We have a lot to learn!

Which by the way is part of this new song I've been struggling with. I worked some with my buddy Frankie on some lyrics and they are starting to emerge, but boy! It can be so difficult to find the words to express the feelings sometimes! Music is not usually hard, but WORDS!!!!

So the ideas are starting to come, slowly slowly. I'm hoping to have the song done for my next gig, but it's coming fast, so I'm not sure. Anyhow, a few gigs coming up that I'm excited about, and I am learning new skills, new tools, and slowly slowly progressing.

Why is it that we are so connected to our cell phones, pdas, computers, Facebook, email, and all, and have trouble connecting person to person? Turn it all off and look me give me some eyeball, some face time, some full attention, and I will give you the same.

Why is that with global warming, the world is feeling colder?

When the darkness comes, what do we do?

When the darkness comes, I will wait...

When the darkness comes, I will be true...

When the darkness comes, there will be new light.

Like night vision, the shapes will emerge and we will see again.

At the mercy of the mystery
I will be still and wait for the light to emerge again...


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Song trapped in my heart

So I have been struggling to get some new songs written, lots of musical ideas, a few (so far) instrumentals over the past months, but WORDS!! Anyhow, I sat down yesterday and this is what came to me:

I have a song trapped in my heart.
The words sit there, the emotions
Like a lily in a pond just out of reach
I'm trying to touch them and it hurts.

What am I trying to say?
What is the "message"?
What needs to come out?

happy and sad
clear and confused
hopeful and depressed
cynical and optimistic
a dream and a harsh reality.
It is so mixed up
like me.

I have a song in my heart
and I want to sing it
but it sticks in my throat
I croak like a frog.

I suppose a frog's croak is also a song.