Arrived in Varkala. From place to place everything is arranged. Our host Matthew in Allepei calls his friend with a Home Stay in Varkala, he’s full, but his neighbour has room, 500 Rs with balcony, bathroom, overlooking quite Odayam Beach to the north of the tourist strip of Varkala Beach. So we have a place to stay before we arrive, the rickshaw drive wants 80 Rs, should be 60 but whatever… Sunil our host at Sona Home Stay greets us and shows us a beautiful rook overlooking the beach. He offers coffee tea, small breakfast, water, and helps us with anything we need. Really nice person. Everyone is nice!
The over-riding feeling is how good the people are. Total strangers smile with a warmth and friendliness that is genuine. And time and time again, people are completely honest in their dealings with us (except maybe that rickshaw driver, but 80 Rupees is $2 for God’s sake!), and sincerely wanting to help us however they can.
There is a richness in the culture of India that is evident as you walk around, almost everywhere we have been so far. It is infused with spirit, with regular open displays of prayer, outdoor temples, great churches and cathedrals, mosques, everywhere. The call to prayer is broadcast everywhere, even at 4:30 in the morning. Today on our balcony I listened to the Imam deliver his Friday sermon which went on for at least 45 minutes – in Malayalam of course. I wish I could understand Malayalam. I really want to know what he was saying. At one point he reached a crescendo as he thundered home the most important message to the faithful (and me). It was a little like an Evangelical preacher going wild.
Anyhow it’s over now. All quiet on the southern point of India, on the Arabian Sea.
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