Amy and Paul's Big Adventure!
So today we leave to visit "Grandmother" India! We will be traveling and living for two months there, exploring culture, history, Ayurveda, Yoga, Meditation, music, friends, ashrams, and more. It's been overwhelming getting ready, and I feel a combination of elation, excitement, nervousness and anticipation. Here we go!
We had a fine going away gig on Saturday evening at The Annex Live, with Shira, Richard Keelan, Joey Goldstein and Derek Downham. A nice turnout of family and friends (thank you for you support), and a great evening of music! Good way to celebrate the start of a new journey.
I will try to blog periodically as we go along, and Amy has her blog too:
So take care friends, be well, and we will be in touch!
Have a great trip.